BlueSky Statistics – A Comprehensive Quality Engineering, Process Improvement and Six Sigma Software
A comprehensive statistics, data analytics, and visualization software to support all your process and quality improvement initiatives (based on well-known DMAIC methodology)
Designed for Quality engineers, Reliability & Quality Assurance specialists, Process Improvement professionals, and Six Sigma practitioners of all expertise levels
A point-and-click, intuitive user interface to perform data analysis without requiring any programming knowledge
Based on R, a well-known and widely used statistical and data visualization software with unmatched depth and breadth of analytics
BlueSky Statistics (PRO) – Key Features for Quality/Process Improvement
Load files or cut & paste data from Excel onto the BlueSky Statistics data grid, undo/redo data edits
Measurement System Analysis – Gage R&R, Attribute Agreement, Linear Bias, and Design Gage Study
Process Capability Analysis - For normal & non-normal data
Statistical Process Control (SPC) Charts – xbar, R, S, p, np, c, u, I-MR (Between/Within), Mult-Vari, T-squared, EWMA, Cusum
Descriptive statistics, Data prep/data cleanup, etc.
Normal and non-normal Distribution Fit Analysis
Hypothesis Testing (T-test one-sample, two-sample, paired, proportions, ANOVA, etc.)
Equivalence Testing (one-sample, two-sample, paired, MET/minimal effects)
Regression Analysis (Linear, Non-Linear, Logistics, etc.)
User interface in multiple (thirteen) languages
Graphical Analysis (Pareto, Pie, Bar, Box, Line, Histogram, Interval, Interaction, Scatter, Scatter Matrix, Dot/Strip, Violin, Stem/Leaf, etc.)
Time Series/Run Chart
Draw additional reference/specification lines (horizontal and vertical) on graphs and plots
Tolerance Intervals
Survival/Reliability Analysis (parametric and non-parametric)
Design of Experiments (DoE) – Design and perform various experiments
Project – create/save/close to save/open/validate/audit analysis work easily and share/collaborate analysis with others
Many more Advanced Statistics, Modeling, Machine Learning, etc.
Supported on both Windows and Mac

Load data files or copy from Excel and paste onto BlueSky Data Grid
Option1: Open/load any data files (Excel, CSV, other formats) from disk into the BlueSky Statistics app directly with File>Open menu
Option2: Copy from Excel any number of rows and columns (copy or “<ctrl> c” to copy into the clipboard) and paste into the BlueSky Statistics data grid
Undo/redo BlueSky Statistics app data grid edits
Gauge Repeatability & Reproducibility (Gauge R&R – Crossed & Nested)
Evaluate measurement system performance and identify sources of variation
Repeatability (variation due to measurement system precision)
Reproducibility (variation due to different operators or conditions)
Historical process std dev to estimate Gage Evaluation values, compute %Process

Measurement System (MSA) - Attribute Agreement Analysis
Assess the agreement (i.e., Pass/Fail. Good/No-Good) or reliability of categorical measurements or observations by Operators/Raters
Agreement analysis within, between, and against standards/references for Operators
Accuracy and Misclassification by Operators against standards/ references
Measurement System (MSA) - Gage Linearity Bias Analysis
Assess and quantify the systematic error or bias in the linearity of measurement systems with statistical analysis, such as linear regression
Linearity and Type-1 tests for one or more References in one go
Gage Bias, Gage capability Cg, Cgk %RE, %EV are computed and compared to the required/cut-off values specified by users on the dialog
Historical std dev to calculate RF (Reference Figure)

MSA: Generate/Setup Experiment Table for a Gage Study
Specify the number of parts, number of operators, number of replications, randomization, sorting, etc.
It produces a run table for operators to schedule the experiments
SPC (Statistical Process Control)/Shewhart and Other Run Charts
Variable data control charts - xbar, R, S charts
Attribute data control charts - p, np, u, c charts
Individual and moving range (I-MR) charts, I-MR Between/Within charts
Before and After (multi-phase) chart
Testing for eight special causes (e.g., K points in a row, all increasing or all decreasing, etc.)
Ability to label process stages/phases
Multi-Vari charts
Other charts - T-squared/ MQCC, EWMA, CUSUM charts

SPC/Control Charts – Before and After (i.e., multi-phase) Analysis
Before and After (multi-phase) analysis control chart
Ability to label process stages/phases
Supports up to 10 different phases to plot side-by-side
I-MR chart with any number of additional reference/spec lines and optional Date x-axis instead of x-axis group numbers
Process Capability for Normal Data
Computes process capability indices to assess how well the process output meets the specified requirements or the tolerance limits.
Indices computed, such as Pp, Ppk, etc., for overall process capability and Cp, Cpk, etc., for potential (within) process capability
Option for using Unbiasing constant to estimate std dev for overall process capability indices
Draw any number of vertical reference/spec lines in addition to LSL, USL, and Target lines

Process Capability for Non-normal Data
Many distributions to choose from to compute the process capability indices for the non-normal data
One-sided or both-sided i.e. LSL, USL, or both can be specified
Draw any number of vertical reference/spec lines in addition to LSL, USL, and Target lines
Survival/Reliability Analysis – Parametric and Non-Parametric
Non-parametric Kaplan-Meier Estimation
Parametric Survival (Weibull, Exponential, Log Normal, …)
Non-parametric Cox Regression
Parametric Survival Regression
Survival model Evaluation/Predict survival, failure, cumulative hazards
Overlay Kaplan-Meier curve on parametric survival/failure plots to compare

Tolerance Interval Analysis
Capture a specified proportion of a population within a certain confidence level.
Compute the tolerance interval to find the range of values for a distribution with confidence limits calculated to a particular percentile of the distribution.
Tolerance intervals provide limits where at least a certain proportion of the population (P) falls for a given confidence level (1 − α).
Many Graphics/Plots – Pareto Chart, Scatter Plot, Scatter Plot Matrix, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Histogram, Box Plot, Line Chart, Dot/Strip, Stem & Leaf, Violin, etc.
Interval Plot, Interaction Plot
Time series plot
Any number of reference/specification lines can be drawn on the Scatter Plot, Advanced Line Chart, Time Series Plot, Box Plot, Interval Plot, SPC charts, and Process Capability Plots

Pareto Chart
Long, wide, raw data format supported to plot the commutative frequency of defects, events, etc, to identify areas of focus
Optional grouping variable
Scatter Plot with Smoothing Model Fit line
Optional grouping variables (group, row facet, column facet)
Many choices of smoothing fitted line model (lm, glm, cubic, quadratic, etc.)
Save models for each group to use later for prediction
Draw any number of reference/specification lines on the plot

Scatterplot Matrix Graphics
Scatterplot Matrix graphics
Choose any number of variables to create the matrix plot
Time Series Plot/Run Charts
Plot any data against a time axis
Flexible formatting options for both date and time label/text shown on the axis
Option to angle (degree) the label/text to avoid crowding of label/texts on the axis
Optional grouping variables to segment the plot per group
Draw any number of reference/specification lines on the plot
Plot up to milliseconds and microseconds

Interval Plot
Scatter Plot with mean and confidence interval bar
An unlimited number of grouping variables for the X-axis to group a numeric variable for the Y-axis
Draw any number of reference/specification lines on the plot
Grouping color legends for easy comparison among groups
Main Effect and Interaction Plot
A Main Effect Plot is to examine how changes in the levels of one factor affect the response variable while ignoring the influence of other factors
An Interaction Plot is to examine the effect of one factor on the response variable changes depending on the level of another factor

Box Plot
Box Plot with any number of reference/specification lines
Display numbers – 1Q, Median, and 3Q on each box
Optional grouping variable to plot by groups to compare
Histogram with Normal Curve Overlay
Histogram plot with binning and optional grouping, normal curve overlay, and counts
Plot bins side-by-side or stacked for different groups

Multi-Vari Chart
Plot the relationship of variation of data (numerical data) against one or more factors (categorical variables)
Displays the mean for each factor and factor combinations
If more than two factor combinations are needed, an Interval Plot (unlimited grouping/factor variables) can be used
Pie Chart and Bar Chart with Counts and %
The advanced Pie chart and Bar chart show % and counts on the plot

Normal Distribution Plot
Show computed probability and x values on the plot for the shaded area for x value and quantiles, respectively
Plot one tail (left and right), two tails, and other ranges
Model Fitting (linear, nonlinear regressions and other models)
Many types of model fitting (Regression, GLZM, KNN, Neural Nets, Decision Trees, SEM)
Regression Model - Linear, Logistic, Multinomial, Ordinal, Quantile, etc.
Survival/Reliability Model – Non-parametric (Cox) and parametric (Weibull, Exp, Log Normal, Log Logistic, Gamma)
Nonlinear Regression – Polynomial, Nonlinear Least Square

Regression – Model Prediction (i.e. Model Scoring)
Prep data to predict/score – either load data from an Excel or click the + on the data grid to create a blank data grid to type in the data (make sure to type variable names as the column names used in the model)
Data used for prediction must match (exact name and the case) the independent variable names used in the model
Choose the correct model from the Model Evaluation > Predict > Model Scoring UI
Click the option if Confidence (CI) and Prediction (PI) intervals need to be computed in addition to just the prediction value
Add a Sample number to the Dataset prepping for other analysis
Add a Sample number to the dataset if it is missing before running other quality/process analysis (e.g., process capability analysis, SPEC charts like xbar, R, and S charts, etc.)
Sample number of any sample size
The last data group size may not be multiple of the sample size

Compute and Add Moving Average to the Dataset
Compute the Moving Average of any variable of a given grouping size
Add the result back to the dataset as a new column
Use the Moving Average values to plot time series/run chart to observe shifts/drifts
Descriptive Statistics, Normality, and Non-normal Distribution Fit Test
Descriptive/Exploratory Statistics
Min, Max, Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Quartile, Standard Deviation, Variance, Skew, etc.
Normality tests (Shapiro-Wilk, Anderson-Darling, Kolmogorov-Smirnov)
Distribution Fit analysis and comparison for different non-normal distributions (many non-normal distributions to choose from)
Determine the best distribution fit based on p-values, or AIC/BIC, or both
Data transformation with Box-Cox, Log, and others

Hypothesis Tests
T-Test – one sample, paired sample, independent sample
Equivalence (and minimal Effect) Test- one sample, paired sample, independent sample
ANOVA – one-way, two-way, N-way
Proportion Tests – one sample, two sample
DoE – Design of Experiments
Create or upload factor details (factors and levels)
Create several different types of design
Export design, perform experiments, import design response
Analyzing design responses with statistical models – Linear, Response Surface Models, etc.
Analyze with Main Effects and Interaction Effects plot, Half Normal plot for 2-level to plot Daniel effects normal (or Half)

Simplified Date/Time Conversion From Character Strings
Convert character date, time, or date-time strings to date variables for analysis or plotting (i.e., Time Series, Advanced Line Chart, Scatter Plot)
Partial character string also converted to date variables
Milliseconds and microseconds are supported
Rename Output Tabs – Organize and Categorize Analysis
Organize analysis into multiple tabs
Rename output tabs to meaningful names
Recall dialog/analysis and continue to refine options to fine-tune the analysis

Project – Save/Load/Share/
Save analysis into one or more projects with all datasets and analysis
Switch between multiple projects
Share projects (a single .bsp file) and collaborate with colleagues
Load projects (a single .bsp file), Rerun/Reproduce and validate or modify analysis performed by others
Changing the language of the UI from English (default) to another language (e.g., Spanish)
Launch the application for the first time – it will launch in all English
Thirteen languages are supported on the user interface (additional language support can be added upon request)
Once the new language selection has been applied, close and restart the BlueSky Statistics application to see all toolbar menus and dialog UIs in that desired language.

Language Supported
English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Turkish

Menus and dialog UIs changed to the selected language
After restarting the application, you will see the menus and dialog UIs in the selected language (e.g., Spanish)
Help (?) content on each dialog UI is also displayed in the selected language (e.g., Spanish)